Hack Dynasty RD2: RE-Invisioned

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    Twilight Bracelet


    Posts : 381
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    Join date : 2009-10-23

    Twilight Bracelet Empty Twilight Bracelet

    Post by yamamoto_takeshi Wed Oct 28, 2009 9:54 am

    "The power it holds can bring either salvation or destruction at the whim of the user"
    — Aura —

    The Twilight Bracelet (黄昏の腕輪) is an item that gives the user the ability to Data Drain and Gate Hack. Its power may prevent the user's data from being altered, though this might also be simply a secondary effect of the install book used to acquire it.

    Bestowed through the installation of “The Book of Twilight”, Kite used the Bracelet in his quest to save his friend Orca. During the time, the Bracelet was means of offensive against Morganna and the Eight Phases of the Cursed Wave. In order to stabilize The World, Kite preformed Data Drain against seven of eight, however the Bracelet fell prior to the final confrontation. Upon the defeat of each Phase, the power within the Bracelet grew, however at the same time its shadow, Cubia, also grew in strength. Kite fought against this shadow numerous times, each resulting in its retreat, yet with Aura’s completion Cubia stopped running. Both The Bracelet and Cubia were two sides of the coin, thus in order defeat Cubia once and for all, Kite had Blackrose destroy his Bracelet, causing Cubia to vanish along with it.

    Installed via the installation book “Twilight ~ Daybreak” Kite once again receives the Bracelet from Aura. This Bracelet is presumably without shadow, unlike the previous one. Like the Bracelet prior to its creation, it grants the user the ability to perform Data Drain. (The same Bracelet is seen during the credits of Quarantine being placed into an installation book, though whether it is the original reconstructed is unknown.)

    Shugo's Bracelet
    Unlike the other Bracelets, Shugo's Bracelet (also referred to as "Kite's Bracelet") was given to him directly by Aura, not requiring installation from a book. The Bracelet is different from Kite's Bracelet in both appearance and ability. Unlike Kite's Bracelet, which is invisible to other users unless it is being used, and is normally a bluish green color, Shugo's Bracelet is always visible and shaped like a golden nut with runes carved into it.

    Shugo's Bracelet does not require a Protect Break in order to Data Drain, and it can be used against other players, though not causing any serious damage.

    Azure Kite's Bracelet
    Just like Kite, the enigmatic Azure Kite also wields a Twilight Bracelet, though it, like its master, has a much different appearance from the original.

    Avatars and Data Drain
    Although the Infinity Eight lack Bracelets on their PCs, their Avatars possess the ability to perform both Data Drain and Sign Hacking (a function similar to Gate Hacking utilizing the Signs) in The World R:2.

    Like the Infinity Eight Kazumi lacks a bracelet as well. Through the use of the Dummy Morganna Factor, contained in his right eye, he has the ability to perform Data Drain. When Kazumi performs Data Drain his right eye opens and the broadside of his right forearm glows and shoots a beam outwards. The one time he is seen performing Data Drain is when he extracts the Skeith Epitaph from Haseo's PC.

    Posts : 381
    Points : 28087
    Join date : 2009-10-23

    Twilight Bracelet Empty Re: Twilight Bracelet

    Post by yamamoto_takeshi Wed Oct 28, 2009 9:54 am

    Once installed, a new tab in the user status screen appears called "Data Drain." When open, the available Data Drain skills and virus infection level are displayed. As the user continues to use Data Drain and Gate Hacking, the user's infection level rises. The infection level is also referred to as the virus spread rate, and it is displayed via a color gauge as follows:

    * 0-25% spread rate: Blue
    * 26-50% spread rate: Green
    * 51-75% spread rate: Yellow
    * 76-99% spread rate: Orange
    * 100% spread rate: Red

    The higher the spread rate, the more often side effects occur.

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